10 Easy Ways to Motivate Your Employees on Blue Monday

29 December 2023

How to motivate your employees on Blue Monday 

The third Monday in January, also known as Blue Monday, has been called the most depressing day of the year. The combination of cold and gloomy weather, the end of the holiday season, and the pressure of the year ahead can bring sad and hopeless feelings. But it doesn’t have to be that way! This year, you can transform Blue Monday into a fun and encouraging day for your employees. Follow the event planner-approved tips below to boost morale and motivate everyone to start 2024 strong!

How to Boost Employee Morale on Blue Monday

Flexible Work Hours

Offering flexible work hours or the option to work remotely can accommodate individual preferences and reduce commuting stress. This flexibility not only alleviates transportation challenges but also allows employees to approach the day with a lighter mindset.

Positive Affirmations

Share positive affirmations or motivational quotes across office communication channels like Slack to lift your employees’ spirits. Consider involving your team in the process and encourage them to contribute their favourite quotes or affirmations. However, it’s not a one-time effort; it’s an ongoing commitment to nurturing a positive atmosphere! Consider incorporating positivity into meetings, emails, or even through small tokens like desk cards with motivational quotes.

Wellness Workshops

Organising wellness workshops focusing on mental health, stress management, and overall well-being is a proactive step in providing your team with the necessary tools to navigate these emotions effectively. One option is a stress management workshop! Offering practical techniques for managing stress can be invaluable. These workshops can include mindfulness exercises, relaxation techniques, or even sessions on time management to help employees handle their workload more efficiently. To continue to foster wellness in the office, consider establishing a schedule for regular wellness sessions throughout the year to reinforce the importance of mental well-being.


How to motivate your employees on Blue Monday 

Decorate the Workspace

Spruce up the office with colourful decorations or inspirational posters to create a vibrant and motivating space. Look into incorporating colours known for their positive psychological effects. Bright hues like yellow for optimism, blue for calmness, and green for balance can infuse the workspace with energy and tranquillity.

Personalised Thank-You Notes

Recognise and show appreciation for your employees’ efforts with personalised thank-you notes highlighting their contributions to the company. Mentioning how their work has positively impacted the team or a project can make these appreciations more meaningful. Another fun way to show appreciation is a small gift based on employees’ preferences. Whether it’s a gift card to their favourite café, a book related to their interests, or an extra day off, these personalised gestures show that their efforts are genuinely valued.

Well-Being Challenges

Initiate well-being challenges, such as step count contests or mindfulness exercises, to encourage physical activity and mental health. Create a sense of camaraderie through well-being challenges by dividing employees into teams. This promotes healthy habits, fosters teamwork, and encourages support among colleagues.

Break Room Treats

Surprise your employees with snacks, treats, or a coffee bar in the break room to create a positive and uplifting atmosphere. Another fun idea is to select treats with the day’s theme – whether it’s a winter-themed hot chocolate bar, a snack selection based on comfort foods, or a fruit-infused water station. These themed treats can add a touch of excitement!


Blue Monday staff tips


Casual Dress Day

Allow your employees to dress casually for the day to promote a relaxed and comfortable workplace atmosphere. Provide ergonomic chairs, cushions, or adjustable desks to create a workspace that supports their well-being.

Express Gratitude

Organise a session for your team members to express gratitude or share positive holiday stories to foster a culture of appreciation and positivity. Create a designated space – a gratitude wall or board – where employees can add notes expressing gratitude or appreciation for their co-workers. 

Team Volunteering Day

Turn the day into a team volunteering event, splitting your employees into teams to support local causes. This exercise enhances a sense of collective achievement and commitment to the community.

Motivate Your Employees on Blue Monday

From promoting healthy habits to relaxing wardrobe restrictions and helping the community, there are endless ways to turn Blue Monday into an opportunity to encourage individual wellness and team building. As an employer, leading by example is crucial. Take part in these workshops yourself, emphasise their importance, and show a commitment to employee well-being. This demonstrates that mental health isn’t just a checkbox but a core value within the company culture!

We also recommend hosting an end-of-year party to boost morale, strengthen team connections, and start the new year with a bang! Ready to get started? Events by Loukia would be delighted to help you plan your next corporate event. Connect with us to learn more!



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